Thoughts of a painter

If you think you are a great painter, it might not be true; and adversely, if you think you are a bad painter, it might not be true. So, just paint and don’t worry about it.

Paint for any reason except to try to paint a piece that will sell.

Have fun with the process: there is always gesso.

If you’re going to compare, be prepared to feel superior or discouraged. Why judge? There is space for all of our creations in this amazing universe. As the Nike commercial says: Just Do It. 

Relax, breathe, slow down. Cut back on the caffeine. Be aware. Look into your eyes in the mirror every morning and say ‘I love you’ and mean it.

Ask yourself: Why do I paint? See what happens.

Spousal comments etcetera only matter when they matter. Otherwise ignore them.

And most importantly, when working with phthalo blue, don’t pat your pet, especially the white ones. 

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The black and white of color

As many painters do, I photograph the progress of a painting. Currently, I also create a grayscale copy on my camera of these progress photos. Looking at a black and white photo on the small  viewfinder is helpful as there is less detail, and the image is seen as a tonal map.

On my Canon Powershot, while in the viewfinder mode, I press the Menu button on the camera’s body. On the ensuing display, I choose ‘My colors’, where I tab over to the B/W icon.  From there, I press the menu button on the camera’s body. On the viewfinder there is the option of saving the new image, which I do. I press the menu button again, and there is the choice of showing or not showing the new grayscale image.

Learning to see the black and white of color has been a theme during this year’s art mentoring. It has definitely helped us to be better painters. Our next theme is to paint using color schemes for mood while being aware of the tonal mapping.

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Beginning with A Creative Background, plus Using the Golden Mean Ratio

First Stages: background, black and some mid-greys and whites.


More shading and glazing.

Music Maker, acrylic, 24 x 12

I enjoy working from grayscale images. This frees me to get creative with color. For this piece I began with the background, added the black, then some grays plus almost whites. By having some of the darkest darks and lightest lights painted early, I am better able to see the other shades.

My goal with this painting was to allow the background to show through parts of the figure. I love the way musicians  become a part of the music, and my hope was to portray that feeling. It was also fun deciding how much to leave out and to work with limited colors and shades.

In the below image, the white lines represent some of the areas where the golden ratio divisions are. I divided the width and height of the canvas by .618 and continued to divide the resulting ‘rectangles’ further by .618. These divisions of space provide pleasing areas to place elements. A simpler version of this is to use the rule of thirds.

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